DHCP在IPv4/IPv6双协议栈校园网中的应用 |
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引用本文:李清平.DHCP在IPv4/IPv6双协议栈校园网中的应用[J].计算技术与自动化,2012,(2):115-119 |
摘要点击次数: 2221 |
全文下载次数: 104 |
中文摘要:IPv6和IPv4共存于同一网络是IPv4向IPv6过渡时期的现实问题。通过一个具体的IPv4/IPv6双协议栈校园网络的部署以及路由器的端口设置、IP地址分配和各路由器的配置等,实现了基于DHCP协议的IPv6、IPv4地址的自动获取以及网络间的相互通信,为部署实际的IPv4I/Pv6双协议栈网络提供一种技术手段。 |
中文关键词:DHCP 双协议栈 校园网 动态路由配置 |
An Application of DHCP on Campus Network Base on Dual-stack |
Abstract:It is a real problem that IPv4/IPv6 protocols coexist in the same network during IPv4 to IPv6.Based on the DHCP technique, a campus network with IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack strategy was developed. The topological diagram was designed.Routers' ports were set and IP addresses were distributed. The configuration commands of routers and routing tables were analyzed respectively. Thus, IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses were automatically get and communication between different networks has been achieved. |
keywords:DHCP dual-stack campus network dynamic routing configuration |
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