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李清平 (浙江育英职业技术学院浙江 杭州310018) 
中文关键词:DHCP  双协议栈  校园网  动态路由配置
An Application of DHCP on Campus Network Base on Dual-stack
Abstract:It is a real problem that IPv4/IPv6 protocols coexist in the same network during IPv4 to IPv6.Based on the DHCP technique, a campus network with IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack strategy was developed. The topological diagram was designed.Routers' ports were set and IP addresses were distributed. The configuration commands of routers and routing tables were analyzed respectively. Thus, IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses were automatically get and communication between different networks has been achieved.
keywords:DHCP  dual-stack  campus network  dynamic routing configuration
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