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李阳 (辽宁石油化工大学 理学院 辽宁 抚顺113001) 
中文关键词:离散系统  多时滞  鲁棒稳定  线性矩阵不等式(LMI)
Stability Analysis and Guaranteed Cost Control of Discrete-time Systems with Multiple Time Delays
Abstract:Focusing on a class of norm-bounded discrete-time uncertain systems with multiple delay, by using Lyapunov method and linear matrix inequalities (LMI),this paper presents new sufficient conditions to guarantee the robust stability of the system, and then designs a state feedback robust controller for the closed loop system. This article further proposed the structure of the guaranteed cost .In the end, by using matlab software, a simulation case is provided to illustrate the correctness and the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.
keywords:discrete-time systems  multiple delay  robust stability  linear matrix inequalities (LMI)
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