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巩舒超,宋立忠,田英俊 (海军工程大学 电气与信息工程学院湖北 武汉430033) 
中文关键词:舵减摇  模糊算法  滑模控制
Sliding Mode Control Based on Fuzzy Logic Arithmetic to Rudder Roll Damping
Abstract:Based on a ship roll movement liner dynamics model, a rudder roll damping controller is designed by sliding mode variable structure control method, then adjust and optimize the parameters of the switch function designed above with fuzzy logic arithmetic, which would get the switch function more reasonable, thus decrease the control variable indirectly because of the correlation between control variable and switch function, which angle for reducing the rudder attrition. Simulation results prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.
keywords:rudder roll damping  fuzzy arithmeticsliding  mode control
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