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袁玲 (华南理工大学 自动化学院,广东 广州510641) 
中文关键词:力矩电机  自动控制  校正  综合设计
Synthetical Experiment Design of Speed Regulating System for Torque Motor and its Application
Abstract:Synthetical experiment of speed regulating system for Torque motor is a highly effective experimental form which combines basic theory knowledge, various experimental skills and the corresponding methods together for summarizing and analyzing. This paper discusses the crutial steps in this experimental design. The feature of the speed regulating system is measured and calculated by experimental test and the unregulated system is mathematically modeled. Then MATLAB toolbox is used to design the correction block and electic circuitry is built for verification. The experiment results show the designed speed regulating system works effectively in terms of static and dynamic performance indexes.
keywords:torque motor  automatic control  correction  integrated design
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