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张磊,汪芳宗,胡佳怡 (三峡大学 电气与新能源学院湖北 宜昌443002) 
中文关键词:暂态稳定性  数值积分方法  Runge-Kutta方法  Runge-Kutt-Nystrom方法  RKNd方法
Fast Numerical Simulation of Power System Transient Stability by RKNd Methods
Abstract:The RKNd method is a new kind of numerical integration methods, of which the order is higher than that of the traditional Runge-Kutta methods and Runge-Kutta-Nystr〖AKo¨〗m methods for the same stage. In this paper, the RKNd method is introduced to the numerical simulation of power system transient stability, and then a fast numerical simulation method has been proposed. The proposed method has been compared to both the traditional numerical integration method and the symplectic Gauss method using IEEE145-bus power system, and the tested results show that the implicit RKNd method has the advantages both in calculation accuracy and in computational efficiency respectively over the symplectic Gauss method and the implicit trapezoidal rule. Therefore the proposed methods should be more suitable to numerical analysis of transient stability and other like-wise problems.
keywords:transient stability  numerical integration method  Runge-Kutta method  Runge-Kutt-Nystrom method  RKNd method
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