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潘伟 (沈阳炮兵学院 电子侦察系辽宁 沈阳110867) 
中文关键词:拥塞  效用函数  延时敏感性  边际消费  全局最优性
The Application of Artillery Confrontation Networks based on the Model of Congestion Management
Abstract:This paper analyzes an economic model of congestion control for a communication network. The model consists of the users’ utility functions and the functions of users’ sensitivity to delay. It applies the concept of marginal-cost pricing to analyze the global optimality of the system. From the analysis, it shows that the interior point is not the global optimal point when the users’ utility functions are linear and the coefficients of the sensitivity to delay are not the same, so the resource allocation is not optimal. This can be settled by choosing some proper utility functions and making the sensitivity of the users’ to delay be same. Numerical examples certifies the validity of the analysis.
keywords:congestion  utility function  sensitivity to delay  marginal cost  global optimality
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