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任颖,李华伟,王丽娜 (1.海军航空工程学院山东 烟台264000 2.山东商务职业学院山东 烟台264000) 
中文关键词:入侵检测  Snort  模式匹配
Research on Instrution Detection System Based on Snort and its Improvement
Abstract:Intrusion detection technology is an active safety technology to protect network resources from hacker attacks.and can make up for the lack of a firewall to help the network to quickly find the occurrence of cyber attacks,and plasys an active defense role,to provide real-time instrusion detection for network security and take appropriate protective measures.This paper to improve the performance of Snort core technology undertook an analysis, put forward a kind of can effective improve the matching efficiency of AC-WM pattern matching algorithm, and the improved Snort system was tested, significantly improve the performance of system .
keywords:instrusion detection  Snort  pattern matching
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