引用本文:施洋, 周国鹏, 廖晓昕.一类新型Chua's电路的Lagrange稳定性分析[J].计算技术与自动化,2012,(4):26-31
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施洋, 周国鹏, 廖晓昕 (1.湖北科技学院 电子与信息工程学院湖北 咸宁4371002. 华中科技大学 控制科学与工程系湖北 武汉430074) 
中文关键词:Chua's电路  吸引集  正向不变集  指数稳定
Lagrange Stability Analysis of a Class of New Chua's Circuit
Abstract:A smooth Chua's Circuit is constructed and Lagrange stability is studied in this paper.For the given parameters, the chaotic characteristics of the system is confirmed as it exists positive Lyapunov exponent. Then, it is proved that the system has a global exponential attractive set and positive invariant set. For the three unstable equilibrium points of the system, a linear controller is designed to achieve global exponential stability of the equilibrium point.The numerical simulations verify the correctness of the conclusions.
keywords:chua's circuit  attractive set  positive invariant set  exponential stability
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