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潘刚,梁玉英,吕萌,张国龙 (军械工程学院 光学与电子工程系河北 石家庄050003) 
中文关键词:蒙特卡洛  最小二乘  性能退化  双应力步降加速退化试验
Optimization Design Statistical Analysis Research of Double-step-down-stress Accelerated Degradation Test Base on Monte-carlo Simulation
Abstract:According to the performance of the high reliability and long life products are affected by several stresses, and it is hard to get the performance degraded information with limited test time, an evaluation method is proposed. First, Monte-Carlo is used to simulate the procedure of the test, so as to convert the Monte-Carlo emulation produces data with the degraded invalid environmental factor, then using least square for statistical analysis of the double-step-down-stress accelerated degradation test, and eventually formed the statistical analysis model of double-step-down-stress accelerated degradation test based on Monte-Carlo simulation. Finally an emulation example is provided and the validity and feasibility of the method proposed is confirmed.
keywords:Monte-carlo  least square  performance degradation  double-step-down-stress accelerated degradation test (DSDSADT)
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