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闫林生,肖伸平,邓鹏,殷理杰 (湖南工业大学 电气与信息工程学院湖南 株洲412000) 
中文摘要:重新审视国内外智能家居的发展情况,设计基于物联网的室内环境监控系统。设计中精心挑选各种传感器(电流互感器、温度传感器、光照度传感器),选用 ZigBee 协议来组建无线传感器网络,利用嵌入式Linux 操作系统,采用S3C2440微处理器,介绍室内环境监控的硬件、驱动底层设备程序、GUI可视化操作界面及Web服务器。结合本地监控与远程Web访问两种技术,该装置具有低功耗、高性能、方便灵活的特点,应用前景广阔。
中文关键词:ARM  智能家居  远程监测  嵌入式linux
The Design of Indoor Environment Monitoring System Based on the Internet of Things
Abstract:By rethinking the development situation of domestic and foreign intelligent household, it is designed the indoor environment monitoring system based on the Internet of Things.Various sensors (current transformer, the temperature sensor, light sensor) are carefully selected in this design, and ZigBee agreement is choosed to form wireless sensor network, embedded Linux operating system is introduced, and the S3C2440A micro-processor is used. Also the hardware, bottom device drivers, GUI visual interface and the Web server of intelligent household remote monitoring system are designed.This system combined local monitoring and remote Web access technology and will be widely used with low power consumption, high performance, convenient and flexible characteristics .
keywords:ARM  intelligent household  remote monitoring  embedded linux
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