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粟向军,郭观七,周晓辉 (1. 湖南理工学院 信息学院湖南 岳阳4200062. 中国商业银行湖南 岳阳420000) 
中文关键词:磁钢检测  判向判辆  计轴测速  管理信息系统  可编程逻辑控制器
Magnet Detection System Design for Rail Transport Vehicles
Abstract:This paper designed an implement scheme of the magnet automatic measuring system for rail type vehicles. The system consists of four parts of the wheel sensors, signal adapter boards, PLC and power. It can read information of rail type vehicles such as the vehicles’s direction measuring and vehicles counting and axle counting and velocity measuring. In order to improve system reliability, comprehensive application of the anti-jamming magnet, software fault-tolerant variety of anti-jamming measure. By setting the calibration magnet, the system effectively overcome the interference of a variety of human factors. By cleverly setting registers N1N1N3 and in accordance with the principle of FIFO N1N2N3 pass assignment, software design is simplified. This system is widely used in modern logistics production and transportation management process of large and medium-sized enterprises involving the train transportation embedded in information management control system or warehouse management control system with high precision, stable and reliable performance, the low product cost.
keywords:magnet detection  direction determining  caraxle counting and velocity measuring  MIS  PLC
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