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梁辛征 (中国南方电网公司超高压输电公司梧州局,广西 梧州543300) 
中文关键词:直流输电  换流站  谐波  单极系统
Research on the Key Technology of Ultra High Voltage Direct Current Transmission System
Abstract:In The unipolar system, bipolar system and DC system of three types, which are constituted by the two ends of HVDC system and their applications, are analyzed and discussed in this paper. Ultra high voltage direct current transmission system in DC side harmonic selection of Harmonic suppression device and compensation of power factor are also discussed. We not only give the main advantages and disadvantages of the High voltage DC transmission system, the keys are need to solve main problems, but also put forward the future prospects for the development of HVDC transmission system.
keywords:DC power transmission  converter station  harmonics  unipolar system
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