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张振敏 (福建农林大学 金山学院福建 福州350002) 
中文关键词:触摸屏  智能网络  公交站牌  公交调度
A New Type of Intelligent Network Bus Schedule with Touch Panel
Abstract:Electronic bus schedule system is an important component of the digital intelligent transportation system. For the limitations and disadvantages of the current bus schedule used by the bus station, this paper proposes a new type of intelligent bus schedule with touch panel which can be connected to the network. We increased input and information transfer functions of the bus schedule, making the bus dispatching system that can obtain the traffic demand between each site and timely dispatching of vehicles, at the same time providing better travel program for passengers. In addition, through making local bus schedule commit corresponding amount of computation, we can reduce the network bandwidth and the load on the server of the dispatch center.
keywords:touch panel  intelligent network  bus schedule  bus dispatch
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