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贾磊,王灵矫,郭华 (1.湘潭大学 信息工程学院湖南 湘潭411105
2.中国西昌卫星发射中心 通信总站,四川 西昌615000) 
中文摘要:针对现有PMIPv6域间切换出现时延较大的问题,基于PMIPv6域内切换和域间切换以及介质独立切换的特性提出一种基于IEEE 802.21 MIH标准的增强型PMIPv6域间切换方法。方法通过L2的方法提前告知移动节点切换目标网络的方法代替L3的网络扫描将切换决策和执行时间点提前,增强网络的无缝切换,性能分析结果表明该增强技术能够减少整个网络时延和丢包率,改善了网络性能。
中文关键词:代理移动IPv6  介质独立切换  域间切换  时延
An Enhanced Inter-PMIPv6 Domain Handover Approach Based on MIH
Abstract:To overcome the problem of handover latency between PMIPv6 domains, an enhanced inter-PMIPv6 handover method based on the IEEE802.21standard MIH is proposed according to the characteristics of intra-PMIPv6 domain and inter-PMIPv6 domain handover and also that of media independent handover. The method is that Layer 2 informs the mobile node’s target network to network entity in advance. It takes the place of that of Layer 3 network scanning. Therefore, times of handover decision-making and execution are acted in advance and the performance of seamless handover is enhanced. Performance analysis results show that the enhanced technique can reduce the network delay and packet loss rate and improve network efficiency.
keywords:proxy mobile IPv6  media independent handover  inter-domain handover  latency
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