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白文义,严卫生,王子健 (西北工业大学 航海学院陕西 西安710072) 
中文摘要:设计并完成某运载体的组合导航系统的模拟装置。该导航模拟装置采用姿态传感器和模拟多普勒的数据实现导航模块在应用上的功能,利用嵌入式PC104搭建硬件平台,在Borland C++4.5和Visual Stdio6.0工具下分别完成Dos环境下的导航程序和Windows环境下的人机交互界面,提供低成本的实时导航信息,在保证实用性的基础上为产品的破坏性试验降低成本,最后通过小车实验结果表明导航模拟装置的实用性和精确度。
中文关键词:导航模拟装置  嵌入式PC104  航位推算  组合导航
The Design and Development of A Simulation Equipment for Navigation
Abstract:A simulation equipment for navigation of a launcher is designed and accomplished in this paper. The equipment completes the function of a integrated navigation system and is made up of a MTI attitude sensor and the analog signal. The hardware platform is established based on embedded PC104 .Meanwhile, the software of navigation compiled with Borland C++4.5 works in Dos environment. In addition, a human computer interaction interface is developed with Visual Stdio6.0 and runs in windows environment. Both the hardware platform and software finally generate the real time signal of navigation and the equipment is used for destructive test of product based on the guarantee of utility. A experimental results based on a small car shows the practicality and the accuracy of the equipment.
keywords:a simulation equipment for navigation  embedded PC104  dead reckoning  integrated navigation system
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