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王志敏 (上海应用技术学院 计算机科学与信息工程学院上海200235) 
中文摘要:针对化工设备非标准部件管板在AutoCAD 2010环境下手工进行布管设计的复杂性,提出一种基于特征值的参数化绘图算法,同时实现对话框的设计,达到管板的自动化布管目的,极大程度的提高了绘图效率。
中文关键词:管板  特征值  参数化  算法
Design and Implementation of Tube-plate Parametric Drawing Algorithm Based on Eigenvalue
Abstract:According to the complexity of the designing of the chemical equipment non-standard parts tube-plate manual distributing tubes in the AutoCAD 2010 environment, this paper puts forward the drawing algorithm based on the eigenvalue and the designing of dialog box , then achieves the purpose of the tube plate automatically distributing tubes and improves the efficiency of drawing greatly.
keywords:tube-plate  eigenvalue  parametric  algorithm
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