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李跃强,刘秋菊 (1.怀化医学高等专科学校 公共课部, 湖南 怀化4180002. 怀化学院 外语系, 湖南 怀化418008) 
中文关键词:视频水印  峰度  时域  HVS  盲嵌入  盲检测
A Time Domain Algorithm of Blind Embedding, Blind Detection and Blind Extraction in Video Watermarking
Abstract:paper presents a new time domain algorithm of video watermarking on kurtosis and HVS (Human Visual System). Blind Embedding, Blind Detection and Blind Extraction can be realized. It can be obtained by utilizing the characteristics of visibility curve and color tolerance of HVS, complied with different watermarking message bit, the watermarking messages has been directly embedded into video through subtle adjustment in adjacent pixels valume of red comonent. The advantages of the proposed algorithm are fast, transparent and robust.
keywords:video watermarking  kurtosis  time domain  HVS  blind embedding  blind detection
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