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彭鑫,齐亮菲,王伟征 (1.湖南理工学院 信息与通信工程学院 复杂系统优化与控制湖南省高校重点实验室湖南 岳阳414000
2.长沙理工大学 计算机与通信工程学院湖南 长沙410114 
中文关键词:多接口无线传感器网络  认知无线网络  认知无线电
A New Network Architecture for Multi-radio Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network
Abstract:The performance of traditional wireless sensor network is limited with co-channel interference. With recent advances in multi-radio wireless technology, it is possible to apply the multi-channel in wireless sensor network to get better throughput. But Dynamic Spectrum Access is an important link for massive deployment of multi-radio wireless sensor network. Cognitive radio is the essential technique basis of Dynamic Spectrum Access. With the introduction of cognitive radio, wireless sensor network can get better transportation characteristics even in congested spectrum. This paper presents a novel architecture for multi-radio cognitive wireless sensor network which consists of connected dominating set. Analysis shows that proposed network architecture provides easy extensibility and fault-tolerance ability.
keywords:Multi-radio wireless sensor network  cognitive wireless network  cognitive radio
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