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刘兆雪,景丽 (沈阳师范大学 数学与系统科学学院,辽宁 沈阳110034) 
中文摘要:针对一类离散时间系统,提出一种变结构控制设计方法。为了减小离散指数趋近律的抖振现象,本文构造一种趋近律, 利用它设计变结构控制器,能够大幅度削弱抖振,有效地改善控制品质,使系统最终趋于原点,并使系统稳定。给出数值计算和仿真算例。
中文关键词:离散时间系统  离散趋近律  变结构控制  抖振
Reaching Law of Discrete-time Variable Structure Control System
Abstract:For a class of discrete-time system, a variable structure control design method is proposed. To reduce the chattering of discrete-time sliding mode control, the reaching law is constructed. A variable structure controller is designed, which can weaken the chattering, improve the control quality, control system close to the origin diminishingly, and make the system stable. The numerical results and simulation examples are given.
keywords:Discrete-time system  discrete reaching law  variable structure control  chattering
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