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张文泉,彭建怡,张志璐,苏鹏,陈炯 (1.武汉军械士官学校湖北 武汉430075
2. 78616部队四川 双流610214
3. 73906部队54分队江苏 南京210000) 
中文关键词:AVR单片机  RS485总线  校验算法  通信协议
Design of Detection Equipment Communication System Based on AVR Microcontroller
Abstract:To solve the communication problem of measure land instrument that data collection and fault detection to raise the reliability of the data transmission of detection equipment, this paper brings forward a method that building a measure and control system based on RS485 bus line and constituted by microcontroller and monomer under test, which takes AVR microcontroller as main controller. The detection equipment communication systematic overall design based on RS485 bus line as well as hardware to realize is introduced in detail. The design of master-slave communication protocol as well as the data algorithm of desired result is discussed. The program flow chart of software design is also given. This design is already in certain type measure land the detection of instrument on debug pass, as a result, shows that data transmission is reliable, well transplantable, at the same time, research and develop cost large reduced.
keywords:AVR microcontroller  RS485 bus line  data algorithm  communication protocol
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