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彭琼林,凌云,肖伸平 (湖南工业大学 电气与信息工程学院湖南 株洲412000) 
中文摘要:设计一种多通道信号的频谱分析系统,介绍系统硬件和软件设计方案。该系统以TMS320F2812 DSP作为系统数据处理核心,外扩12位精度A/D MAX1304,使用FFT技术对信号频域进行分析。FFT运算调用TI 公司CCS FFT Library 中的FFT程序模块,使实现频谱分析变得容易。频谱分析的结果可实时显示并上传至上位机,实现数字化的频谱分析。通过实验和结果的分析,该系统具有通用性好,可靠性高,实时性强,可以实现快速的测量和传输。
中文关键词:DSP  频谱分析  模数转换  FFT  FFT Library
The Design of Multi-channel Digital Spectrum Analysis System Based on DSP
Abstract:In this paper a multi-channel real-time spectrum analysis system is designed and design proposal of hardware and software design is introduced. In the system TMS320F2812 DSP is used as the data processing core and the extended 12-bit high-precision ADC that is MAX1304 is used for signal acquisition and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used for frequency-domain data processing. FFT operations is by calling the Library function of CCS FFT Library which is provided by TI company, so it makes spectrum analysis easier.The results of spectrum analysis can be displayed in LCD and upload to upper computer,realizing digital spectrum analysis. Through the analysis of the experiments and the results, the system has excellent versatility, high reliability, good real-time, can achieve rapid measuring and transmission.
keywords:DSP  spectrum analysis  AD  FFT  FFT Library
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