基于MPS4021的30W LED驱动电源设计
引用本文:罗中良,李曦雯,索剑,陈治明,黎馨楹.基于MPS4021的30W LED驱动电源设计[J].计算技术与自动化,2013,(3):30-33
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罗中良,李曦雯,索剑,陈治明,黎馨楹 (惠州学院广东 惠州516007) 
中文关键词:原边反馈  MPS4021  LED电源
Design of 30W Power Supply for LED Driving Based on MPS4021
Abstract:with its getting mature gradually in technology, LED is being applied to different fields, especially in the high-power commercial lighting field, LED is of high quality-price ratio and popular since its energy-saving, long-lifetime, high reliability and low cost. A power supply for LED driving based on a low-cost fly-back primary side feedback scheme is designed in this paper. Its output-current error percentage is less than 5%, the power factor is larger than 0.9, the efficiency is larger than 85% in the voltage range of 200-240V. The current fold-back and over-voltage protective functions are also integrated in it, too. The detailed calculation of the circuit’s parameters based on an analysis of its operating principles is presented. This design can be a reference for high-power LED driving products.
keywords:primary side feedback  MPS4021  power supply for LED driving
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