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徐刚强,黎常青 (1.湖南工程职业技术学院 信息工程系,湖南 长沙4101512.中南大学迪迈数码科技股份有限公司工程部.湖南 长沙410004 ) 
中文关键词:计划编制  三维可视化  数字矿山
The Mine Excavation Planning Scheme Based on 3D Visualization
Abstract:Excavating plan was complex and difficult.In three-dimensional environment, the spatial distribution and spatial relation of underground excavation projects will be perspicuous. In addition, three-dimensional geological block model can provide a rapid calculation model for volume and reserves calculation. In this paper. According to the basic characteristics of mine production and requirement of production plan scheduling, the key technology of visualization plan scheduling has been studied,a visualization of the implementation of the planning scheme has been proposed.
keywords:plan scheduling  Three-dimensional visualization  digital mine
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