引用本文:尹常红, 袁文波,谢晓宇,王义琴,王必强, 马廷淮.基于业务流的混合模式数据监视平台的设计与实现[J].计算技术与自动化,2013,(3):68-72
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尹常红, 袁文波,谢晓宇,王义琴,王必强, 马廷淮 (1.武汉市气象局 湖北 武汉430040
2.南京信息工程大学 计算机与软件学院 江苏 南京210044) 
中文关键词:业务流  数据监视  气象服务  混合模式
Design and Implement of Hybrid Scheme Data Monitoring Platform Based on the Business Flow
Abstract:On the basis of the analysis of the main design scheme of data monitoring platform, a hybrid scheme data monitoring platform is proposed combined with the conception of business flow in the paper. Then it is used to accomplish a meteorological service business data monitoring platform according to the actual requirements of China Meteorological Administration, which is universal with the features of flexible design, steady and reliable running.
keywords:business flow  data monitoring  meteorological service  hybrid scheme
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