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孟磊 (青海师范大学 网络信息管理中心,青海 西宁810008) 
中文关键词:业务流程  可信  实时性  一致性
Real-time Consistency Analysis Method of Distributed Business Processes
Abstract:An important indicator of credible business processes is the real-time property, and real-time consistency analysis is key to ensure the business processes’ efficient execution. To deal with this issue, this paper proposes the concept of Time Business Process Graph, and provides the modeling method for collaborative business process. This paper defines the structure correctness of Time Business Process Graph, and the analysis method is given. Based on the structure correctness, the real-time analysis method is given to determine the time consistency of the collaborative business process, so as to provide an effective way to ensure real-time business process credible.
keywords:business processes  credible  real-time  consistency
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