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杜娟,李众立 (西南科技大学 计算机科学与技术学院四川 绵阳621000) 
中文关键词:现代物流  ZigBee  无线局域网  RFID
Based ZigBee Stereo the Stacks Identification and Management System Research
Abstract:For a long time , the traditional library management system in China is only the “warehousing” of the concept , not the concept of modern logistics . In this paper, an identity management system based on ZigBee technology and systems used in modern stacks Management .Transmitted through ZigBee communication module the first stacks work site to build wireless local area network based on ZigBee technology , and RFID scanning signal MCU processing gateway node to the job site , and then through the RS-232 the Gateway data transmission to stacks management Center server information in real-time interaction between the work site operators and central server and management .
keywords:modern logistics  ZigBee  wireless LAN  RFID
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