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莫裕清,王樱,彭顺生 (湖南信息职业技术学院湖南 长沙410200) 
中文关键词:Petri网  全程跟踪审计  工作流建模  案例
Based on Petri net's Audit Tracking System of University Income-generatingmaster Control Module Work Class Modelling
Abstract:Petri nets through the workflow system to deal with some major cases.Each case has a unique identifier, case always between appear and disappear in a particular state, the relevant properties of use cases using Petri net based workflow.College income-generating projects follow-up audit system is a typical case of workflow, main controlling module project establishment, project implementation and project settlement,each module on a module to the next module and internal implementation involves a same flow, all need approval, is a process of workflow.
keywords:Petri net  Follow-up audit  workflow modeling  case
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