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晏小庆,王再兴 (1.渝州科技职业学院江西 新余33802092.中南大学 信息科学与工程学院湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:微电网  混合储能  模糊PID
The Study of Fuzzy PID Hybrid Energy Storage Technology
Abstract:Consideration the cost and control effect, a single energy storage element cannot suppress the full-band power fluctuations and a common control strategy is unable to achieve real-time tuning parameters to accommodate changes in the environment with micro-grid. This article proposes a hybrid energy storage technology based on fuzzy PID which is applied to the micro-grid. According to the system's structure and working principle, the application of hybrid energy storage technology in micro-grid is analyzed. Then based on system configuration and mathematical model, a coordinated control strategy based on fuzzy PID is proposed and applied to the simulation of photovoltaic systems. According to the simulation results of the comparative analysis, the system output power fluctuations have been better suppression, energy storage element has a better operating characteristics, which reflects the superiority of this method.
keywords:Micro-grid  hybrid energy storage  fuzzy PID
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