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李迎 (深圳职业技术学院 机电工程学院广东 深圳518055) 
中文关键词:PXI总线  LabView Real-Time(LRT)实时模块  实时系统  仿真
Research on the Development Technology of Real Time Simulation System Based on PXI Bus
Abstract:A detailed analysis has been done on the key technology which is about the real time system construction using PXI-Bus controller. At last, an engineering application has been done to validate the feasibility and validity of the research work which is about the satellite GNC simulation system. The experimental result indicates that the real time system has the following characteristic: high timing precision, short developing period, convenience of the system update and so on. It can update seamlessly from the mathematics simulation system to the semi-physics or physics simulation system. It can be applied to develop simulation system in many fields.
keywords:PXI-bus  LRT module  Real-time system  simulation
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