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唐米杰,李新国 (湖南第一师范学院湖南 长沙410205) 
中文关键词:语音识别  SPCE061A单片机  语音控制  智能玩具
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Toy Based on Speech Recognition and MCU
Abstract:By designing a kind of children’s speech interactive intelligent toy car with the capability of voice command recognition and simple voice dialogue, the interesting of children’s intelligent toy could be improved, and the creative thinking of children could be trained. From the aspects of hardware design and software design, the implementation procedure of the specific speaker’s voice recognition on the intelligent toy car was described, and the experiment test method was given. Experiments showed that the system would have very good recognition effect for the small vocabulary and specific speaker.
keywords:voice recognition  SPCE061A SCU  voice controlling  intelligent toy
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