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朱利华 (常州信息职业技术学院 软件学院, 江苏 常州213100) 
中文关键词:粒子群  K均值  分类  聚类
Classification for Mobile Users Based on Chaos-PSO and K-Means Algorism
Abstract:In order to conquer the clustering result uncertainty and easily obtaining the local optimum solution of random choosing initial data center in K-Means algorism, a improved algorism based on (Particle swarm optimization algorism, PSO) and K-Means used to realize the classification of mobile users is proposed. Firstly, the data object density is defined to improve prim algorism, and then the improved prim algorism was used to initialize the clustering center, then the clustering center is used to initialize the position of the particles, and the chaos-PSO algorism was used to get the global optimum solution, finally, the classic K-Means algorism was operated to cluster according to the final optimum clustering center. The simulation experiment shows the method in this paper can realize the classification for mobile users, and has the strong global optimizing ability and convergence rate, making up the defects of classic K-Means method. It is proved to have the strong practical significance.
keywords:particle  K-Means  classification  clustering
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