基于Bloom filter的远程对称差规模估算法
引用本文:田小梅,胡灿,龚静.基于Bloom filter的远程对称差规模估算法[J].计算技术与自动化,2013,(4):75-79
摘要点击次数: 1390
全文下载次数: 106
田小梅,胡灿,龚静 (1.衡阳师范学院 计算机科学系湖南 衡阳421002
2. 湖南环境生物职业技术学院 艺术设计系湖南 衡阳421005) 
中文关键词:移动计算  布鲁姆过滤器  集合调和  数据同步
Bloom Filter-based Estimating Methods for the Number of Differences Between Remote Sets
Abstract:The problem of estimating the number of symmetric differences between sets held on remote hosts is important for distributed applications such as data synchronizations in content delivery networks, gossip protocols and mobile networks. Estimating accuracy affects directly the performance of CPISync-based set reconciliation algorithms. Less error during estimating procedure yields faster reconciliation rate. Quasi-intersection query method is a new bloom filter-based estimating method. It can significantly reduce errors for estimating the number of symmetric differences and improve reconciliation efficiency of reconciliation algorithms.
keywords:mobile computing  bloom filter  set reconciliation  data synchronization
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