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刘丹,窦勇 (国防科技大学 计算机学院湖南 长沙410073) 
中文关键词:光流法  压缩感知  目标跟踪
Object Tracking Based on Optical Flow and Compressive Sensing
Abstract:It is a challenging task to develop effective and efficient alogrithm for robust object tracking due to factors such as pose variation, illumination change, occlusion, and motion blur. Therefore, using a single detection and tracking algorithm has been unable to meet the practical requirements of target tracking in a complex environment. Based on the optical flow and compressive tracking alogrithm, this paper proposes a tracking method combine with tracking, online learning and detecting technology .The experimental results show that the proposed method effectively improves the accuracy and robustness of tracking.
keywords:optical flow  compressive sensing  object tracking
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