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尹洋,夏立,王黎明 (海军工程大学 电气工程学院湖北 武汉430033) 
中文关键词:船舶能量管理系统  综合电力系统  公用信息模型  动态耦合
Research On a New Type of Shipping Energy Management System Design
Abstract:With the development of integrated power system technology and all electric ships, application of shipping energy management system has become the inevitable trend of the future development of the ship. This paper researches on the key technology problems of a class of new ship energy management system development process. Information network uses the hard line directly, dual redundant field bus and dual redundant Ethernet hybrid network architecture, in order to ensure the reliability of control. Construction of software system architecture is based on loose coupling. The software interface use dynamic coupling component technology. The common information model system of ship energy management is established. The real time database is build using real-time data cache technology. Energy management system based on the key technology guarantees effectiveness and reliability of all electric ship network monitoring.
keywords:shipping energy management system  integrated power system  common information model  dynamic coupling.
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