烧结矿品质预报的研究 |
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引用本文:赵昊裔.烧结矿品质预报的研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2013,(4):100-103 |
摘要点击次数: 1374 |
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中文摘要:某钢厂第二烧结车间现有90m2、105 m2的烧结机各一台,担负着2座1000m3高炉的供矿任务。随着高炉工艺的日益发展以及节能增效的要求,高炉对烧结矿品质的要求越来高。我国生产的烧结矿与国外生产的烧结矿有很大差距,重要原因就在于烧结矿的品质指标波动性太大,这对高炉的炉况来说是很不利的。所以,烧结矿品质预报的研究是很有必要的。 |
中文关键词:烧结矿品质 高炉 预报 |
Forcast Research for Ore Agglomerates Quality |
Abstract:The second ore agglomerates workshop in Iron and Steel Co., Ltd has a 90m2 ore agglomerate machine and a 105 m2 ore agglomerate machine, affording the material supply of the two 1000m3 blast furnace. With the development of upsizing blast furnace and automation, and the furthest demand for energy saving, the quality and detection of the material of the blast furnace is gradually valued. One of the reasons, why the quality of the ore agglomerates between China and other country abroad is so large, is that the quality parameter of the ore agglomerates is not stable, causing disadvantageous to the blast furnace. So, it is necessary for us to do some research on the quality parameter of the ore agglomerates. |
keywords:quality of ore agglomerate blast furnace forcast |
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