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吴倪,刘卫国,施荣华,潘登,肖琴 (中南大学 信息科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:音频  小波变换  离散余弦变换  水印算法
An Improved Digital Audio Watermarking Algorithm Based on DCT
Abstract:For the existing digital audio watermarking algorithm can’t satisfy both hidden and robustness, before add a watermark, use a random key to encrypt the binary image of watermark, and then make three level wavelet transform and DCT transform on carrier, finally, compare the watermark information encrypted with the carrier signal to get a key, and embedded the key into intermediate frequency coefficient of carrier audio. Experimental result shows that the algorithm can achieve a good balance between the hidden and robustness.
keywords:audio  wavelet transform  discrete cosine transform  watermarking algorithm
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