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张进 (河北省气象信息中心河北 石家庄050021) 
中文关键词:气象信息网络安全风险评估  层次分析法  粗糙集
The Security Risk Assessment of Meteorological Information Network
Abstract:For the randomness, complexity and uncertainty characteristics of meteorological information network incidents, the subjectivity that exists in the process of selecting evaluation index of meteorological information network incidents assessment, this paper reduces the the set of index through the use of attribute reduction algorithm of rough set , thus excludes that which does not affect the final outcome,and uses relative reduction to establish the level of index system for meteorological information network incidents assessment, skips fuzzy AHP to assess flood risk of the region and has scientific evidence and data to support more than simply rely on the expert scoring method.
keywords:meteorological information network incidents assessment  AHP  rough set
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