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刘国宏,余东昌,刘旭林,刘亚楠 (北京市气象信息中心北京100089) 
中文关键词:虚拟化  资源整合  ESXI  vCenter  vSphere Client  HA  Fault Tolerance
Virtualization in the Meteorological Operations
Abstract:Experimental operational system was designed and implemented by making full use of virtualization technology, optical fiber interface, trunk with the ESXI plus optical switches and optical disk array, after the use of existing server resources was analyzed. The advantage of virtualization technology on improving efficiency, reducing energy consumption and saving funds was expatiated by contrast the performance of the system, before and after the virtualization technology is applied.
keywords:virtualization  integration of resources  ESXI  vCenter  vSphere client  HA  Fault tolerance
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