引用本文:陈武华, 罗世贤.混杂型离散时间脉冲时滞Hopfield神经网络的多稳定性分析[J].计算技术与自动化,2014,(1):14-18
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陈武华, 罗世贤 (广西大学 数学与信息科学学院, 广西 南宁530004) 
中文摘要:研究一类混杂型离散时间脉冲时滞Hopfield神经网络的多稳定性问题。首先, 运用Brouwer不动点定理, 证明所考虑的脉冲时滞神经网络具有多个平衡点。然后, 引入Lyapunov函数, 运用不等式分析技术, 建立脉冲离散时滞Hopfield神经网络多稳定性判别准则, 并给出平衡点吸引域的估计。最后, 通过数值实例仿真验证结果的有效性。
中文关键词:Hopfield神经网络  多稳定性  脉冲  时滞  Lyapunov函数  指数稳定性
Multistability Analysis of Hybrid Discrete-time Impulsive Hopfield-type Neural Networks with Delays
Abstract:The multistability problem of a class of hybrid discrete-time impulsive Hopfield-type neural networks with delays is studied. First, by applying Brouwer fixed point theorem, it is proved that the impulsive delayed neural networks under consideration possess multiple equilibriums. Then a Lyapunov function based method combined with inequality based analysis techniques is developed to establish a criterion for multistability of hybrid impulsive discrete-time Hopfield-type neural networks with multiple equilibriums. Additionally, the estimates on the domains of attraction of stable equilibriums are provided. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived results.
keywords:Hopfield-type neural networks  multistability  impulses  Time-delay  Lyapunov function  exponential stability
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