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吴博,高超,谢健 (湖南大学 软件学院湖南 长沙410012 ) 
中文关键词:并行计算  OpenMP  MPI  Kriging  空间降水插值
Parallel Kriging on Spatial Interpolation of Precipitation Based on OpenMP and MPI
Abstract:Kriging algorithm is an effective method of interpolation calculation. On the one hand, consider the large amount of massive data interpolation, on the other hand, kriging algorithm is a complex algorithm. In order to improve the calculation speed, using OpenMP and MPI parallel interface library, achieve parallel Kriging algorithm. The parallel computing environment is based on the Windows operating system. Test data shows that the parallel algorithm can effectively save computing time.
keywords:parallel computing  OpenMP  MPI  Kriging  spatial interpolation of precipitation
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