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刘梦菱,秦岭 (武汉轻工大学电气与电子工程学院湖北 武汉430022) 
中文关键词:高斯粒子滤波  正则化粒子滤波  概率分布  粒子退化
Gaussian Particle Filter Algorithm Based on Regularization
Abstract:In this paper, a new improved Gaussian particle filter algorithm is proposed for the state estimation problem of nonlinear systems. The new particle algorithm is based on Regular particle filter, of which the discrete probability distribution function approximates the continuous function in resample. Namely, the last measurements of RPF are introduced to the GPF and then the predicted values are used to update the state estimation. Analysis by synthesis and a simulation experiment independently between RGPF and GPF are preceded. Simulation results show that RGPF algorithm has more accuracy comparing with standard GPF algorithm.
keywords:gaussian particle filter  regular particle filter  probability distribution function  particle degradation
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