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万静,陈少清,王犇,刘延凯 (民航安徽空管分局气象台预报室,安徽 合肥230051) 
中文关键词:机场  大雾  短时预报
A New Prediction Method for Short-term Fog at LuoGang Airport
Abstract:Fog short-term accurate forecasting is very important and practical to airport which can help reduce flight delays and passengers stranded. However, there is none relative theory reported, the paper presents a new method to solve the problem. By analyzing the ground weather data of Luogang Airport from year 2012, temperature, humidity and visibility was chosen to be vital factors for fog forecasting. Latter, the paper established several models to predict whether the fog would happen in three hours or not. Finally, the ground weather data of Luogang Airport from year 2011 was used to test the model. The results indicate that the fog occurrence in the next three hours predicted by the method reached an accuracy at 91.3%,TS scored 0.84,which is a great prove that the method provided in the paper has a good future in airport fog short-term forecasting.
keywords:airport  fog  short-term forecasting
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