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富震 (沈阳炮兵学院 指挥自动化教研室,辽宁 沈阳110162) 
中文关键词:支持向量机  主动学习  PU  文本分类;Rocchio
A PU Text Classifier Based on SVM Active Learning
Abstract:The key problem of building text classifiers using positive and unlabeled examples is to extract reliable negative examples from unlabeled examples, and then using positive samples and strong negative samples to construct classifier. This paper presents a new active learning algorithm that combines Support Vector Machine(SVM) with spy technique and improved Rocchio algorithm. It solved problems in machine learning when no labeled negative documents are available in the training example set or when negative examples are very difficult to collect. Experimental results on the Reuter data set show that our method outperforms other algorithms in terms of F1-measure.
keywords:support vector machine  active learning  PU  text classification  Rocchio
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