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任先平,章红 (江汉大学 物理与信息工程学院湖北 武汉430056) 
中文摘要:利用可燃气体传感器NAP-55A、CC2530无线单片机以及相关外围设备等组成智能式家用低功耗可燃气体报警系统, 能探测家庭区域可燃气体泄漏,根据用户预先设定的报警值进行声光报警,并能利用zigbee网络技术将报警信息通过多跳的无线方式上传小区监控中心。实验表明: 该系统能满足家庭低成本燃气报警的需求,并能融入未来智能家居的应用。
中文关键词:燃气报警系统  NAP-55A  zigbee  CC2530
Design of Gas Alarm System Based on Zigbee Network
Abstract:Intelligent household low-power gas alarm system composed of gas sensor NAP-55A, wireless microcontroller CC2530 and its peripheral equipment, can detect the gas leak of user family area,provide sound-light alarm according to the preset value, and it can upload the alarm information to community monitoring center through multi-hop manner by ZigBee network technology. Experiments show that: the system can satisfy the demand of family of low cost gas alarm, and can be integrated into the application of intelligent home furnishing in the future.
keywords:gas alarm system  NAP-55A  zigbee  CC2530
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