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张东,程磊,刘波,周明达 (1. 武汉科技大学 信息科学与工程学院, 湖北 武汉4300812. 河南理工大学 河南省高等学校控制工程重点学科开放实验室河南 焦作454000) 
中文关键词:机器人  仿生嗅觉  气味源定位
Active Olfaction Technology Research Based on Mobile Robot
Abstract:Using mobile robot to locate the odor source has become a hot research,Robot active olfaction refers to the use of robots find and track plume, ultimately determine the odor source location.This article summarizes the current active olfaction technology, and according to the biological olfactory behavior to design an algorithm for odor source localization, the algorithm does not rely on a little odor concentration values, only rely on the odor concentration rate we can find the odor source. The simulation and the plume distribution model in the Gauss model.
keywords:robot  bionic olfaction  odor source localization
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