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何浪,易灵芝,罗晓雪,朱广辉,陈鸿蔚,李胜兵 (1. 智能计算与信息处理教育部重点实验室(湘潭大学)湖南 湘潭4111052.湘潭牵引电气设备研究所有限公司湖南 湘潭4111013. 湘潭电机股份有限公司湖南 湘潭411101) 
中文关键词:开关磁阻发电系统  三电平逆变器  开关器件电压应力  转换效率
Study on Three-level Inverter of SRG System
Abstract:The new-style switched reluctance generator has many advantages, such as great generating capacity, high efficiency, as well as convenient combination of starting, and generating electricity. In addition, the loss of switches and filter inductors can be reduced by three-level inverters. It can reduce the switch loss and voltage stress of devices, by making use of three-level inverters, the reliability of devices can be improved. With high conversion efficiency and combining, this new-style switched reluctance generator can achieve the low wind power characteristics. Simulation results has verified that three-level inverters can meet the requirement of switched reluctance generator.
keywords:Switched Reluctance Generator (SRG)  Three-level inverter  voltage stress of switching devices  conversion efficienc
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