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阮苗锋,宋立忠,田英俊 (海军工程大学湖北 武汉430033) 
中文关键词:舵鳍联合控制  输入输出线性化  鲁棒控制  舵速限制  鳍速限制
Roll Damping Through Ship Rudder/Fin Joint Control Under Constrained Condition
Abstract:Ship Rudder/Fin Joint Control is a new roll damping method. Basing on the known literatures,to a container ship,we design a Rudder/Fin Joint Control through the method of input/output linearization.Then the effect of speed-limit of rudder and fin to roll damping and sailing direction keeping is reseached.And the relation of restriction between rudder and fin speed is discussed. The result of the simulation shows the damping effect are better when the fin speed is lower and the rudder speed is higher. But there is a up-limit,and if the rudder and fin speed exceed the limit ,the effect has almost no change.
keywords:rudder/fin joint control  input/output linearization  robust control  rudder speed-limit  fin speed-limit
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