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唐文秀,康现伟,王国强 (中冶南方(武汉)自动化有限公司湖北武汉430223) 
中文摘要:为测试在研变频器产品的性能指标, 利用虚拟仪器技术, 开发一套变频器性能指标和参数的自动测试系统。此系统采用NI公司的硬件和软件,以LabView 作为开发平台。文中介绍此系统的整体概念, 硬件、软件件实现的思路和方法。经实际应用, 提高了测试环节的效率和精度, 具有较高的实用性和操作简单、方便升级等优点。
中文关键词:变频器测试系统  Labview  数据采集
Design of Best Characters Inverter Test System Based on LabView
Abstract:To test performance of the Inverter researching,the test system based on virual instrument technology, which can test the performance and parameters of inverter automatically is developed. The system is designed by Labview with hardware and software of NI company. Presentation is given for the whole idea of the system and realization of the hardware and the software in this article. Be used practically, This system has evidently improved the efficiency and quality of testing task with high utility and validity in practice.
keywords:inverter testing system  labview  data acquisition
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