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李茂军,贾玲 (长沙理工大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙410114) 
中文关键词:进化算法  状态空间模型  实数编码  状态进化矩阵
An Evolutionary Algorithm Based on State-spaceModel
Abstract:The traditional evolutionary algorithm primarily through three genetic operators: selection, recombination and mutation operations, to achieve the evolution of the population. In the process of evolution, it usually needs to set the crossover probability and mutation probability, which will directly affect the results and precision. In order to simplify the procedure, we design a new evolutionary algorithm, which based on discrete state-space model system and using real-encoding method. The algorithm constructs a state evolution matrix to achieve the function of recombination and mutation, and improve the operability and reliability of the algorithm. We do some simulation based on several typical test functions, the results shows that: this new evolutionary algorithm has many advantages, such as strong search capability, rapid convergence, high precision, simple operation, etc. It has useful reference for relevant studies.
keywords:evolutionary algorithm  state-space model  real-encoding  state evolution matrix
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