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崔旭,尹为民,欧阳华 (海军工程大学 电气与信息工程学院湖北 武汉430033) 
中文关键词:电能质量  三维数据压缩  三维小波变换  三维小波编码算法
Three-dimensional Data Compression of Power Quality Signal
Abstract:In order to improve power quality data compression performance and meet the low compression ratio under high SNR engineering requirements, reconstruct the power quality data representation in three-dimensional, use three-dimensional wavelet decomposition and code seven kinds of typical power quality signal with 3D-SPIHT coding algorithm, compared the results with the traditional SPIHT algorithm. Experimental results show the superiority of the compression method in the same condition rate dimensional compression method has higher SNR. Determine the ultimate bpp and the ultimate compression ratio of seven kinds of power quality disturbance signal in the current experimental environment. Finally, analyze the relationship between the signal characteristics and the compression ratio.
keywords:power quality  3D data compression  3D wavelet transform  3D-SPIHT coding algorithm
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